level two: wide-set

before you start:

make sure you have watched and understand how to do a basic eyeshadow application from the apprentice level video course.

what you’ll need:

  • highlight creme shadow
  • highlight shimmer shadow
  • matte midtone shadow
  • contour shadow
  • classic eyelash curler (or similar style)
  • mascara
  • eyeshadow #22
  • midtone #11
  • eyeshadow #13
  • blending #28
  • eyeliner #40

about this video:

in this video robert will teach you all about how to apply eye makeup for the wide-set eye.

just as the name implies, wide-set eyes can be described as eyes that have a space greater than the width of one eye in-between them. the goal with the wide-set eye is to visually “push” the appearance of the eyes closer together.

ready? pay close attention, practice, and apply robert’s techniques to beautify the wide-set eye!!!